Immersed deeply in the ancient science of Yoga, Sundeep Tyagi embarked on the path of self-discovery and spiritual knowledge since the early age of 9. Having studied in a Gurukul in Haridwar, India: that is the house of a revered master, Sundeep imbibed the deep secrets of ancient India and mastered the scriptures leading to the mastery of self. On a formal academic basis, he was awarded a Master’s degree in Sanskrit and Indian classical music. However, the depth of his knowledge and understanding far surpasses his ceremonial qualifications. As a teacher, he is responsible for the growth of his many students, sharing with them the enigmatic spirit of Indian spirituality buried deep in the belly of ancient Indian scriptures.
Sundeep hails from a celebrated family of yogic teachers carrying on a Vedic tradition spanning several generations. His grandfather was a revered personality in teaching circles, having trained many formidable masters. The name of Acharya Hari Singh Tyagi evokes great admiration and love. Fulfilling the lifelong dream of his grandfather, Sundeep’s family created and built "KanadaVidyaPeeth" a school providing space for 600 children from kindergarten to grade 12 since 2003. This school is educating and inspiring children from local and surrounding villages in Northern India.
Sundeep established Freedom Yoga which is officially recognized by the Yoga Alliance. This institute’s main focusis creating capable yoga teachers via the medium ofrigorous practical and theoretical training. Sundeep hasbeen instrumental in training many accomplished yogateachers, empowering them to spread yoga internationally.
Sundeep was officially invited to Canada to officiate and serve the community in the capacity of a Teacher and Vedic priest. Since arriving in Canada in 1999, Sundeep has been building a creativecommunity of holistic healers, artists, volunteers and coaches. He is a scholar of Hindi and Sanskritand helps introduce people to these languages as a teacher. He has been invited to several forums toofficiate and recite poetry including functions held by the Indian High Commission in Toronto. He was specially invited by the University of Toronto for linguistic studies. He has authored several books and poems in Hindi and Sanskrit. He has also established Sanskrit Yoga Sabha, a Not-for-profit corporation established to provide the advancement of Indian languages, culture, and health and wellness. Currently Sundeep is teaching in Ontario, at Georgian College, Orangeville, various temples and Yoga/Wellness centers.